Taming limits with approximate networking

Junaid Qadir, Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Liang Wang, Jon Crowcroft
2016 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits - LIMITS '16  
Internet is the linchpin of modern society, which the various threads of modern life weave around. But being a part of the bigger energyguzzling industrial economy, it is vulnerable to disruption. It is widely believed that our society is exhausting its vital resources to meet our energy requirements, and the cheap fossil fuel fiesta will soon abate as we cross the tipping point of global oil production. We will then enter the long arc of scarcity, constraints, and limitsa post-peak "long
more » ... ncy" that may subsist for a long time. To avoid the collapse of the networking ecosystem in this long emergency, it is imperative that we start thinking about how networking should adapt to these adverse "undeveloping" societal conditions. We propose using the idea of "approximate networking"which will provide good-enough networking services by employing contextually-appropriate tradeoffs-to survive, or even thrive, in the conditions of scarcity and limits.
doi:10.1145/2926676.2926678 dblp:conf/limits/QadirSWC16 fatcat:irfujqq6tvhobk33i7q6q3ap4e