«Рахат» қорымының антропологиялық мәліметтері (Алматы облысы)

E. Kitov, G. Bexeitov, E. Ospanov, B. Satayeva
2018 Journal of history  
In the article was described the geographical location of the settlement area and unique features of the region Rakhat. During 1994During -2005 settlement area was carried out archaeological excavation of the joint Kazakh-American expedition under the leadership by K.M. Baipakov, F.P. Grigoriev, K. Chang. There were done expertise and description to the archaeological excavation of monuments which located in settlement area of Rakhat in the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan in
more » ... 2004. As well as, in the Upper Paleolithic place the various levels of mineral excavation, exploration work were characterized fully by the leadership of O.N. Artyukova in the location of Rakhat in 2006-2007. The work of the members of the archaeological expedition was analyzed under the leadership of B.Nurmaganbetov of the memorial museum «Esik» in 20112012. Along with archaeological excavation, new research methods of the scientists of Natural sciences were utilized, in the international scientific -research laboratory «Geoarcheology» of al-Farabi university was made expert examination of the results and the current state and future of archaeological excavations which carried out in the framework of the State Program «The people in the flow of history» in the location of Rakhat by the leadership of G.T. Bexeitov in 2015. In addition, there were paid more attention to the palynological, geological and geomorphological characteristics of the region and through carrying out snip excavations in the upper paleolithic nomad camp and mounds were done expertise to found stone artifacts. The paleoanthropological examination was considered to bone skeletons of Rakhat mound.
doi:10.26577/jh-2018-4-303 fatcat:bjpnlxbfrjd2jbcia5jltsjj2y