IOT Cloud Data Logger for Heart Rate Monitoring Device

Mokh. Sholihul Hadi, Ilham Ari Elbaith Zaeni, Mohamad Dana Maulana, Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Arif Nur Afandi
2019 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET 2018)   unpublished
Health maintenance is an important thing in human life and needs of more attention, in particular, heart health. The heart is a vital organ for us. Even the slightest abnormality could make a big influence on our body performance. The heart rate, expressed in rates per minute (bpm), is a parameter to show our heart condition. One way to discover the heart condition is by knowing the heart rate frequency. Heart disease often detected past the symptoms, one being having sporadic heart rates.
more » ... fore, this research aimed to design and build a heart rate monitoring device to detect the blood flow frequency in the pulse. The data then delivered to a communication device using WiFi. Heart rate monitor device contained sensor block, signal conditioner block, and communication block using Wemos D1 ESP8266. This research calculated the number of heart rates from ten respondents to test the device. The pulse sensor detected the respondents' heart rates when strapped. Then, the data converted from analog to digital using Wemos D1 ESP8266. After, Wemos D1 ESP8266 delivered the data to the smartphone. The data also displayed on OLED. The data recorded was saved in the smartphone and can be used as a medical record.
doi:10.2991/icovet-18.2019.52 fatcat:ofouzr7mqzb5zjxumpz4ymr6iy