Wahyu Sabtika, Alan Prahutama, Hasbi Yasin
2021 Jurnal Gaussian  
Maternal mortality is one indicator to describing prosperity in a country and indicator of women's health. Most of the maternal mortality caused by postpartum maternal mortality. The number of postpastum maternal mortality is events that the probability of the incident is small, where the incident depending on a certain time or in a certain regions with the results of the observation are variable diskrit and between variable independent each other that follows the Poisson distribution, so that
more » ... he proper statistical method is Poisson regression. However, in Poisson regression model analysis sometimes assumptions can occur violations, where the value of variance is greater than the mean value called overdispersion. Generalized Poisson Regression (GPR) is one model that can be used to handle overdispersion problems. This modeling produces global parameters for all locations (regions), so to overcome this we need a method of statistical modeling with due regard to spatial factors. The analytical method used to determine the factors that influence the number of postpartum maternal mortality in Central Java that have overdispersion and there are spatial factors, is Geographically Weighted Generalized Poisson Regression (GWGPR) using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method and Adaptive Bisquare weighting. Poisson regression and GPR modeling produces a variable percentage of pregnant women doing K1 which has a significant effect on the number of postpartum maternal mortality, while for GWGPR modeling is divided into four cluster in all regency/city in Central Java based on the same significant variable. From the comparison of AIC values, it was found that the GWGPR model is better for analyzing postpartum maternal mortality in Central Java because it has the smallest AIC value.Keywords: The Number of Postpartum Maternal Mortality, Overdispersion, Generalized Poisson Regression, Spatial, Geograpically Weighted Generalized Poisson Regression, AIC
doi:10.14710/j.gauss.v10i2.30946 fatcat:55spdbd4dbgyveje5zk4ud6aoe