Dynamic Enhancement of Fluctuation Signals at the QCD Phase Transition

Marlene Nahrgang, Christoph Herold, Igor Mishustin, Marcus Bleicher
2013 Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement — PoS(CPOD 2013)   unpublished
We study the impact of nonequilibrium effects on the relevant signals within a chiral fluid dynamics model including explicit propagation of the Polyakov loop. An expanding heat bath of quarks is coupled to the Langevin dynamics of the order parameter fields. The model is able to describe relaxational processes, including critical slowing down and the enhancement of soft modes near the critical point. At the first-order phase transition we observe domain formation and phase coexistence in the
more » ... gma and Polyakov loop field leading to a significant amount of clumping in the energy density. This effect gets even more pronounced if we go to systems at finite baryon density. Here the formation of high-density clusters could provide an important observable signal for upcoming experiments at FAIR and NICA. We conclude that improving our understanding of dynamical symmetry breaking is important to give realistic estimates for experimental observables connected to the QCD phase transition. 8th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement
doi:10.22323/1.185.0021 fatcat:mquyrh4tyzajbppeutd4ijzufa