Serum C reactive protein level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending diabetic clinic in Benin City, Nigeria

Alfred Friday Ehiaghe, Dennis E. Agbonlahor, Youtchou Mirabeau Tatfeng, Folarin Onikepe, Faith Efosa Oviasogie, Joy Imuetinya Ehiaghe
2013 Journal of Diabetes Mellitus  
C reactive protein is sensitive physiological biomarkers of sub clinical inflammation associated with hyperglycemia. The aim of this study is to determine the fasting serum C reactive protein level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending diabetic clinic in Benin City, Nigeria. The population sample consists of 142 subjects. 71 patients were known type 2 diabetes mellitus, while the other 71 were age matched control subjects. Fasting glucose and C reactive protein were estimated using
more » ... ose oxidase method and ELISA method respectively. The age group that has the highest number of type 2 diabetes mellitus was 41 -50 (64% of males and 36% of the females). Our finding revealed that C reactive protein and serum glucose level of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in both females and males show a statistically significant increase as compared with age matched Control subjects, (P < 0.05). An elevation of serum C-reactive protein was demonstrated in both males and females type 2 diabetes mellitus in Benin City, Nigeria. These data support a possible role of inflammatory biomarkers in diabetogenesis. Data was collected using self administered semi structure questionnaire. Statistical Analysis All numerical results were collated from the three groups. Data were presented as Mean ± Standard Deviation (S.D) and analyzed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Using SPSS version 18.0 P values < 0.05 were considered significant.
doi:10.4236/jdm.2013.34026 fatcat:fzyjmfr7krc5dctvxtvvhw2stm