Effect of Verbal Instructions in Pain Assessment during a Passive Straight Leg Raise Test in People with Chronic Low Back Pain

Masae Ikeya, Takumi Jiroumaru, Hitomi Bunki, Michio Wachi, Noriyuki Kida, Teruo Nomura
2022 Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation  
The most prevalent issue in physical therapy is pain. Due to the subjective nature of pain, assessment tools are essential in understanding it as objective data. However, assessment of pain may result in distress for the patient. A physical therapist (PT) should conduct these tests as quickly and accurately as possible. Straightforward instructions are vital in such cases. This study aimed to clarify the effect of verbal instructions for pain assessment during a passive straight leg raise
more » ... test for participants with chronic low back pain (CLBP). This study included 22 participants who provided informed consent and received three consecutive PSLR tests with measurement of the hip flexion range of motion (HFROM) and were instructed to cease the test at submaximal pain before the first test. Following the second and third tests, participants were given specific verbal instructions to remember pain intensity, quality, and location. After each test, participants were to circle the pain location on the body chart and rate their pain intensity on a numeric rating scale (NRS) and pain quality. All participants were then interviewed about the differences between having and not having specific verbal instructions. The results of HFROM, NRS, and pain extent were not significantly different between the first and second tests or between the second and third tests using a paired t-test. Eleven changes in pain location were found in the second test compared to those in the first test. In the third test, only three participants circled a different area than in the second test. Ten participants showed similar changes with pain location in pain quality in the three PSLR tests. This study revealed the effect of specific verbal instructions prior to PSLR tests.
doi:10.4236/ojtr.2022.104014 fatcat:qeguhzc7sja7dm6gs4vna7cu2i