Preliminary comparison on seismometer frequency response following ISO 16063-11 calibration by primary means

Claire Bartoli, Stephen Jurgeit, Leonard Klaus, Franck Larsonnier
2018 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Accelerometers calibration by primary and secondary means is now very well covered both in low and medium frequency range. This is obviously not the case for seismometers which are though widely used all over the world. Up to now, seismometers only have internal checks thanks to an integrated coil. Calibration of these devices address different challenges like large masses and volumes, non-rotatable three-axes devices, specific mounting. This interlaboratory comparison will help to investigate
more » ... hese fields and to give feedback do develop a methodology to calibrate seismometers.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1065/22/222018 fatcat:mwsuizphfbaddg46jea2yio7ta