Hydrocele of the Canal of Nuck: A Rare Cause of an Inguinal Mass

Murat Kalayci, Aclan Ozder
2012 Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine Case Reports  
Cysts in the canal of Nuck canal are a cystic pathology of the inguinal region which form as a result of the defective closure of the processus vaginalis in females. A cystic mass (4x4 cm) was detected in the groin region of a female patient (26 years old) admitted to the clinic with minimal inguinal pain with onset three days prior. The patient was operated on with an initial diagnosis of a hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. During the operation, a diagnosis of a cyst of the canal of Nuck was
more » ... . Cysts of the canal of Nuck must be included in the differential diagnosis in addition to strangulated hernia in patients admitted with a complaint of painless swelling in the groin region or labia. A review of the literature was made, supporting the diagnosis of this case as a cyst of the canal of Nuck.
doi:10.5505/jaemcr.2012.43434 fatcat:drxdur4bmnexzivlb35ktn6mm4