相転移する社会災害への対処 : COVID–19と豪雨災害の場合

河田 惠昭
In 2020 we have experienced two disasters such as COVID-19 and heavy rain disaster in Kumamoto prefecture. In the two disasters we found phase transition which amplified the human casualty as well as social and economic damage. In COVID-19, the process of infection of new coronavirus is network structure composed by node and edge. The node is called as cluster of infected persons group and the edge is social and private exchange with infected people. In our society after around 1980, web 2.0
more » ... e our society network structure as the second phase transition from vertical decisionmaking (hierarchy) structure. COVID-19 infection process was the first phase transi-
doi:10.32286/00023047 fatcat:rq2uxevasbdwzklf3jcxyqxqja