Évolution des paramètres biodémographiques des populations de Tribolium castaneum H. (Coleoptera,Tenebrionidae) inféodé dans le mil (Pennisetum glaucum Leek) et le maïs (Zea mays L.)

AC Gueye, T Diome, C Thiaw, M Sembene
2015 Journal of Applied Biosciences  
Journal of Applied Biosciences 90:8355-8360 ISSN 1997-5902 Gueye et al. J. Appl. Biosci. Évolution des paramètres biodémographiques des populations de Tribolium castaneum H. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) inféodé dans le mil (Pennisetum glaucum Leek) et le maïs (Zea mays L.) 8362 Objective: The objective of this study is to see the effect of different substrates of millet (whole, husked, broken and flour) on the development capacity of T. castaneum from millet on the one hand and of corn secondly,
more » ... at the temperature and the ambient relative humidity. Methodology and results : The development of T. castaneum was followed after controlled infestations on the whole millet grains first, then husked and then broken and then the flour. The development cycle was followed by the laying until the emergence of adults to determine the different biodemographic parameters. The results showed that regardless of its origin millet or corn, T. castaneum is able to develop on millet hulled, broken and flour. Indeed, T. castaneum from corn did not develope on the whole millet, unlike T. castaneum from millet. Conclusion and application of the results : T. castaneum is a primary pest of millet. Millet seems to hold the attacks of T. castaneum after shelling or after processing into flour. Indeed, the nature of the substrate and the source of T. castaneum influence the development and future of the weight of the insect. Thus, to contain the infestation of T. castaneum in stocks of millet, it must be kept after shelling or after processing into flour or stored them on the same storage area as corn.
doi:10.4314/jab.v90i1.8 fatcat:ul6iedyfmbemjj4sf6nojfvfrq