Adaptive dynamic inversion for nonaffine-in-control systems via time-scale separation: part II

E. Lavretsky, N. Hovakimyan
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005.  
This paper presents an adaptive dynamic inversion method for uncertain nonaffine-incontrol dynamical systems. Online approximation of the adaptive dynamic inversion controller is performed using time-scale separation. The resulting control signal is sought as a solution of a "fast" dynamical equation, which inverts a series parallel model, whose state is shown to track the state of the original nonaffine-incontrol system. Numerically verifiable sufficient conditions on the system parameters are
more » ... given. A simulation example illustrates the theoretical results.
doi:10.1109/acc.2005.1470523 fatcat:muzpowehnbgkpomloqkt2a37ii