Analysis of DS-CDMA System with Phase Synchronization Errors for Selection Diversity Scheme

Manish Rai, Sonam Thakur, Saurabh Katiyar
2012 Energy Procedia  
Wireless communication is currently the most dynamic field with the invention of new technologies. Presently one of the main challenges in the wireless communication field is to combat fading. At the receiver, the signal may be lost completely due to destructive addition of multi paths signal components. Generally effect of fading is analyzed with channel compensation using different diversity combining schemes such as selection diversity, equal gain combining and maximal ratio combining
more » ... ues. Selection diversity is one of the preferred schemes due to its simplest implementation process. However, often channel estimation may not be perfect because of changing nature and other factors like correlation between the signals etc. The main aim of this paper is to observe the effect of imperfect channel estimation on the performance of the receiver. Analysis has been done for channel estimation along with selection diversity combining. Also, receiver may not be synchronized always with transmitter giving some phase errors. Such error is also incorporated along with selection diversity for performance evaluation of the system. ________________________________________________________________________________ * Manish Rai.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.12.1215 fatcat:evqlovdmzbakbjywvniytnrmlm