Implications of a Formative Evaluation for Improving the Educational Effectiveness of an Educational Game for Spanish Orthography

C. Carmona, E. Millan
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06)  
An educational game is a recreational activity designed to teach people, typically children, about a certain subject or help them learn a skill as they play. These games are usually successful in engagement, but sometimes fail in triggering learning. This paper shows the results obtained when evaluating MITO, an educational game to teach Spanish orthography. This experiment let us find the main deficiencies of MITO and opens a new line of work that tries to fix them.
doi:10.1109/icalt.2006.1652512 dblp:conf/icalt/CarmonaM06 fatcat:q2zufssn35eg3d6dsignw57jpy