A New Divide And Conquer Software Process Model

Hina Gull, Farooque Azam, Wasi Haider Butt, Sardar Zafar Iqbal
2009 Zenodo  
The software system goes through a number of stages during its life and a software process model gives a standard format for planning, organizing and running a project. The article presents a new software development process model named as "Divide and Conquer Process Model", based on the idea first it divides the things to make them simple and then gathered them to get the whole work done. The article begins with the backgrounds of different software process models and problems in these models.
more » ... This is followed by a new divide and conquer process model, explanation of its different stages and at the end edge over other models is shown.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1062162 fatcat:whhixrltgneunf55knjkniclba