D.4.4.1. Operational prototype of the DSS for Eco-routes

Gianandrea Mannarini, Lorenzo Carelli, Fabio Viola, Megi Hoxhaj, Matteo Scuro, Saloni Kyal, Sergio Cretì, Rita Lecci, Giuseppe Turrisi, Josip Orović
2022 Zenodo  
An automated tool for discovering ferry routes of minimum CO2 emissions has been developed in the frame of the GUTTA project and is available online at www.gutta-visir.eu. The tool makes use of operational marine forecasts and delivers the amount of CO2 which can be saved on each route. Daily updated marine forecasts are used and the computations are carried out on HPC facility. The strategic added value of the optimal routes is also quantified in terms of Carbon Intensity Indicators (CII). CII
more » ... are part of a measure adopted at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for kicking-off the process of decarbonization of shipping. This report documents, for the first version of GUTTA-VISIR, the key structure of the technological infrastructure enabling the service, including both its back- and frontend components, as well as some results provided through the web application
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6974251 fatcat:nv2yxjmh5zgstglprkra2ghb4y