Calculation Accelerogram Parameters for a "Construction-basis" Model, Nonlinear Properties of the Soil Taken Into Account

O.V. Mkrtychev, G.A. Dzhinchvelashvili, M.S. Busalova
2014 Procedia Engineering  
When designing especially important structures, the design codes prescribe to consider the nonlinear properties of soil ground [1] . When being calculated on earthquakes, stress and strain vary over a wide range, and the relationship between them becomes significantly nonlinear. There is a need to take into account this non-linearity when describing constitutive relations. Soil model must meet the following basic requirements: Be able to display the actual mechanism of soil deformation; Contain
more » ... parameters which can be determined by standard laboratory tests; Have a commonality and ease of usage from the computational point of view.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.12.011 fatcat:wlpqv2y2ynf7tlvh4gy2jk33zi