Continuous Generalized Gradient Descent

Cun-Hui Zhang
2007 Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics  
This article derives characterizations and computational algorithms for continuous general gradient descent trajectories in high-dimensional parameter spaces for statistical model selection, prediction, and classification. Examples include proportional gradient shrinkage as an extension of LASSO and LARS, threshold gradient descent with right-continuous variable selectors, threshold ridge regression, and many more with proper combinations of variable selectors and functional forms of a kernel.
more » ... n all these problems, general gradient descent trajectories are continuous piecewise analytic vector-valued curves as solutions to matrix differential equations. We show the monotonicity and convergence of the proposed algorithms in the loss or negative likelihood functions. We prove that approximations of continuous solutions via infinite series expansions are computationally more efficient and accurate compared with discretization methods. We demonstrate the applicability of our algorithms through numerical experiments with real and simulated datasets.
doi:10.1198/106186007x238846 fatcat:s6ofqybgura5rezayni4ld6wqy