A Conceptual Architecture for Adaptation in Remote Desktop Systems Driven by the User Perception of Multimedia

M. Lubonski, V. Gay, A. Simmonds
2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications  
Current thin-client remote desktop systems were designed for data-oriented applications over low-quality LAN links and they do not provide satisfactory end-user performance for more and more popular in enterprise environment graphical and multimedia applications. To improve perception of those applications in thin-client environment we designed architecture of a server-side Quality of Service (QoS) management component responsible for mapping application QoS requirements into network QoS. We
more » ... lyze how service differentiation and traffic management techniques combined with user perception monitoring can be used in order to adjust network level resource allocation when performance of multimedia applications in remote desktop environment is not meeting user requirements. Our objective is to provide QoS-aware remote desktop systems which will be able to manage available resources in intelligent manner and meet end-user performance expectations.
doi:10.1109/apcc.2005.1554191 fatcat:ezewljh3snawzbcmtl6nql72ra