A Case Report of a Rare Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma

Dr Monika Goswamy
2017 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
There are a variety of different types of focal proliferative lesions which may occur on the gingiva, some neoplastic but others inflammatory. At one time the terms "peripheral ossifying fibroma" and "peripheral odontogenic fibroma" were used interchangeably. The World Health Organization (WHO) however, in its classification of odontogenic tumours has used the term "peripheral odontogenic fibroma" for a specific entity quite separate from "peripheral ossifying fibroma". The peripheral
more » ... c fibroma in distinct contrast to peripheral ossifying fibroma, is a rare lesion. This article reports a rare case of peripheral odontogenic fibroma in the maxilla.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v5i7.49 fatcat:6swgtvehxrhujnhf77tcqvxmgy