Perceived Impact of Urban Waterfront Dwellers' Forced Eviction on Housing, Security and Social Support System in Njemanze and Otodo-Gbame Informal Settlements, Nigeria

Collins H. Wizor, Chike Arinze Emerueh
2020 Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences  
This paper focuses on the impact forced eviction has on the lives of urban waterfront community dwellers with regards to their housing, security and social support system. Its overall aim is to identify the level of impacts forced eviction had on the inhabitants of the urban waterfront communities and to highlight the need to view forced eviction as a major trigger for a humanitarian disaster. The focus was on two (2) urban waterfront informal settlements in two different cities in Nigeria,
more » ... ly Njemanze community in Port Harcourt and Otodo-Gbame community in Lagos state. The survey research method was used in this study. A total of 150 questionnaires were administered to affected residents of Njemanze and Otodo-Gbame urban communities. The study revealed that the lives and livelihood of the target population were permanently damaged in one stroke by the singular act of forced eviction and that it provided the impetus for deeper housing problems and security challenges amongst others. It recommends that the government should understand that their first responsibility is to protect lives and property and against this backdrop, approach slum areas seeking community partnership in slum upgrading. Furthermore, the study strongly concluded that forced eviction does not lead to the eradication of slums, rather it causes a humanitarian crisis.
doi:10.9734/arjass/2020/v10i230145 fatcat:7lfr4yjvwjhehk6a6yspggns5e