Study of obstructive sleep apnea in respiratory disorders

Rohit Ratnakar Hegde, D. H. Bhise, J. M. Phadtare, N. N. Ramraje
2013 International Journal of Biomedical Research  
100 patients having respiratory complaints were selected randomly from OPD and were screened for by symptomatology, history, clinical examination, Chest X ray & spirometry and were analyzed for various respiratory diseases. The youngest subject was 30 yrs old and the oldest 75 years. In the study, 75% were males and 25% were females. Polysomnography was performed in these subjects. Patients were distributed as regards the severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).OSA was detected in 45, of
more » ... 45% had mild, 35% moderate and 20% had severe OSA. A linear relationship was found between Body Mass Index (BMI) and severity of OSA as also between neck circumference and severity of OSA. No correlation was detected between Diabetes Mellitus and OSA. Whereas, there was a significant impact of systemic hypertension on OSA.
doi:10.7439/ijbr.v4i7.283 fatcat:rzwqgt72qfetdixue4ot46khce