واقع التمویل بمدارس التربیة الخاصة وطرق تنمیته من وجهة نظر العاملین بها (دراسة میدانیة)

علاء احمد محمود محمد, هدى معوض عبدالفتاح عبدالعال, محمود عبد التواب فضل
2020 مجلة جامعة الفیوم للعلوم التربویة والنفسیة  
The current research aimed at identifying the reality of funding the specail education schools and how to develop it from the perspective of its staff, by identifying the theoretical foundations for the development of financing special education and the reality of the special education system in Egypt, and putting a suggested proposal for financing and developing special education. The research relied on the descriptive approach and a questionnaire was applied to a sample of (312) employees in
more » ... pecial education, and the research concluded that the reality of funding in special education in Egypt was of a moderate degree.
doi:10.21608/jfust.2021.48611.1155 fatcat:zw64pyfminbsdldq5lliygjhwy