Human leucocyte antigen profile in patients with aids and cytomegalovirus retinitis with and without macular involvement

Nivaldo Vieira de Souza, Eduardo Soares Maia Vieira de Souza, Neifi Hassam Saloum Deghaide, Eduardo Antonio Donadi, Maria de Lourdes Veronese Rodrigues
2015 Clinical and Biomedical Research  
Cytomegalovirus retinitis is one of the ocular manifestations of AIDS. The objective of the present study was to determine possible associations of class I and II HLA antigens and alleles in patients with AIDS and cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMV-R) with and without macular involvement. Method: The study population consisted of 22 patients with AIDS and CMV-R with macular involvement (Group I), 19 patients with AIDS and CMV-R without macular involvement (Group II), and 202 individuals with
more » ... e serology for human immunodeficiency virus (Group III -control). Class I HLA antigens were typed by classical serology. Class II alleles were identified using sequence-specific oligonucleotide primers hybridized with amplified DNA.
doi:10.4322/2357-9730.51113 fatcat:e6xwtq5w7zh6xgh3g353urbrxi