Optimizing the Number of Acoustic Emission Sensors Using the Bees Algorithm for Detecting Surface Fractures

Michael S. Packianather, Mark Eaton, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Theocharis Alexopoulos
2018 Procedia CIRP  
Non-destructive testing methods have gained popularity as they become more widely available. Although there are several techniques that could be used for this purpose, this paper focuses on acoustic emission sensors for detecting surface fractures and the use of the Bees Algorithm, a swarm-based technique, for optimizing the number of sensors required to reliably detect surface fractures. The paper describes the approach that has been used in this study where the dimension of the surface is
more » ... ified by the user. The results show that, in theory and through simulation, that the Bees Algorithm is capable of determining the minimum number of sensors needed to locate the surface fracture with an acceptable level of accuracy. The method described could be used for the purpose of optimization in other engineering as well as nonengineering applications.
doi:10.1016/j.procir.2017.12.227 fatcat:jgeyjlwvyfgnrdslw3xthcuf5u