Proxy Mobile IPv6 with partial bicasting for seamless handover in wireless networks

Ji In Kim, Seok Joo Koh
2011 The International Conference on Information Networking 2011 (ICOIN2011)  
This paper proposes an enhanced handover scheme of the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) with partial bicasting in wireless networks. In the proposed PMIPv6 handover scheme, when a mobile node (MN) moves into a new network and thus its Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) performs the binding update to the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), the LMA begins the 'partial' bicasting of data packets to the new MAG as well as the previous MAG. Then, the data packets will be buffered at the new MAG during handover and then
more » ... forwarded to MN after the handover operations are completed. The proposed scheme is compared with the existing schemes of PMIPv6 and PMIPv6 with bicasting by ns-2 simulations. From the performance analysis, we can see that the proposed scheme can reduce handover delays and packet losses, and can also use the network resource of wireless links more effectively, compared to the existing schemes.
doi:10.1109/icoin.2011.5723127 dblp:conf/icoin/KimK11 fatcat:ivvdcxjsg5dojpsbzc6evongm4