A Survey on QoS Enhancement in Mobile Multimedia Services using CrossLayer Design in 4G Wireless Networks

M. Bhuvaneswari, P. Seethalakshmi
2011 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Present 3G capability to cater for subscriber demand for high data rate and QoS [Quality of Service] is substantially less than 4G networks. It is expected that 3G networks will not be able to meet the needs of services like video-conferencing, full motion video etc in terms of QoS. 4G networks provide subscriber with a higher bandwidth (5GHz), and mobile data rate greater than 100Mbps. However all these could be achieved along with interoperability and seamless mobility with high QoS in a
more » ... e hand held terminal in 4G heterogeneous environment by using Cross-Layer Feedback Design. The conventional ISO-OSI Layered architecture is not well suited for mobile multimedia application due to the varying nature of wireless channel. In order to cope up the problems of layered architecture, cross-layer design is used in 4G architecture to facilitate interaction among layers for better adaptability of resources as per users demand. This paper provides past accomplishment and future avenues related to enhancing QoS in 4G networks.
doi:10.5120/2351-3074 fatcat:ygb3euyu7zasbe7k2l446q55bm