On 1-norm stochastic optimal control with bounded control inputs

Milan Korda, Jiri Cigler
2011 Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference  
This paper deals with the finite horizon stochastic optimal control problem with the expectation of the 1-norm as the objective function and jointly Gaussian, although not necessarily independent, disturbances. We develop an approximation strategy that solves the problem in a certain class of nonlinear feedback policies, while ensuring satisfaction of hard input constraints. A bound on suboptimality of the proposed strategy in the class of aforementioned nonlinear feedback policies is given as
more » ... ell as a simple proof of mean-square stability of a receding horizon implementation provided that the system matrix is Schur stable.
doi:10.1109/acc.2011.5991070 fatcat:eup7n7br5bhdbowrcru7zqc47i