Dynamical Properties in Uniform and Periodic Growth Modes of Ascorbic Acid Crystal Domain from Thin Solution Film

Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Mitsunobu Kikuchi, Akihiko Toda, Jun-ichi Wakita, Mitsugu Matsushita
2014 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan  
There exists the threshold-sensitive dynamical transition between the uniform and the periodic growth modes in the domain growth of ascorbic acid crystals from its aqueous supersaturated solution film. The crystal growth induces the solution flow. Humidity controls the fluidity of the solution. The solution flow varies the film thickness. The threshold exists in the thickness of the solution film, and the crystal growth almost stops if the thickness becomes lower than the threshold.
doi:10.7566/jpsj.83.064002 fatcat:os37cfkknrcovp5sv33armomh4