BOOK REVIEWS: Occipital Seizures and Epilepsies in Children

S. Wallace
1994 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry  
Book reviews by studying extracellular potassium homeostasis during stimulation in hippocampal slices from rats at different stages of postnatal development. There is still much unanswered about the mechanism of epileptogenesis, and about the relationship between epileptogenesis, seizure-expression, and excitotoxicity, but this volume provides an interesting up-date on some of the more central questions that need to be asked. ASTRID G CHAPMAN Practical Psychiatry: Common Sense, Compassion, and the Medical Model.
doi:10.1136/jnnp.57.3.399-b fatcat:n4iqysn2zfc6la6pi6rq4psaa4