Concentration Dependence of Molar Volume of Binary Si Alloys in Liquid State

Akitoshi Mizuno, Hiroya Kawauchi, Mitsuhiro Tanno, Kentaro Murai, Hidekazu Kobatake, Hiroyuki Fukuyama, Takao Tsukada, Masahito Watanabe
2014 ISIJ International  
The molar volumes of binary M-Si (M=Fe, Ni, and Ge) alloys in a liquid state were obtained from their densities measured using electromagnetic levitation coupled with a static magnetic field. We have systematically analyzed the molar volume as a function of composition. Although the concentration dependence of the molar volume of the liquid Ge-Si alloys obeys a linear law which is indicative of an ideal mixture, in comparison, that of the Ni-Si alloys shows a large discrepancy from the linear
more » ... w as well as the Fe-Si system. The interaction between the constituent atoms was discussed with a view to analyzing the partial molar volume.
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.54.2120 fatcat:5mmswogmtjaexcsu62ithhgrnu