Quantum Error Correction for Communication

Artur Ekert, Chiara Macchiavello
1996 Physical Review Letters  
We show how procedures which can correct phase and amplitude errors are in themselves sufficient to correct errors due to quantum entanglement, generalizing earlier results. We specify general criteria for quantum error correction, introduce quantum versions of the Hamming and the Gilbert-Varshamov bounds, and comment on the practical implementations of quantum codes. [S0031-9007 (96) 01212-4] PACS numbers: 89.70.+c, 02.50.-r, 03.65.-w, 89.80.+h Suppose we want to transmit a block of l qubits
more » ... .e., two-state quantum systems) in some unknown quantum state (pure or mixed) over a noisy quantum channel.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.77.2585 pmid:10061991 fatcat:q3ykew4f2nhajey5r5uekapd6u