Clock Synchronization: Estimation of Non-deterministic Delays in Wireless Message Delivery

Shiu Kumar, Seong Ro Lee
2015 International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications  
Clock synchronization is significantly essential as they require universal time on WSN nodes for time measurement, event ordering and coordinated actions, and power management. This paper gives an insight of solving the problem of the non-deterministic delays that exist in the wireless message delivery. Sensor nodes consisting of Arduino Mega and 2.4 GHz nRF24L01+ radio modules are used, and based on the estimation of non-deterministic delays a clock synchronization protocol for WSN is
more » ... The results obtained are quiet promising compared to the existing synchronization protocols for WSNs.
doi:10.5121/ijcnc.2015.7109 fatcat:7hxm2m7mszfkdagjlrm7rawyli