JTI volume 6 issue 1 Cover and Back matter

1985 International Journal of Tropical Insect Science  
The journal publishes original contributions on all aspects of the gross morphology, paleomorphology, macroand microanatomy and infrastructures of insects, and similar studies of other related arthropods, which have direct bearing on our understanding of insect morphology. In addition to descriptive embryologic and post-embryologic papers, the journal will accept reviews developing new concepts, hypotheses and theories, and a limited number of notes and book reviews. Relevant papers are
more » ... for editorial consideration. Papers in German and French will be published on a restrictive basis. Software Survey Section -This new section reports developments in appropriate specialist software.
doi:10.1017/s174275840000254x fatcat:lnj4x7eobnb5vc5a4ns7vaw4yu