User Authentication Method with Mobile Phone as Secure Token

Ryu Watanabe, Yutaka Miyake
In this paper, we propose a user authentication method with mobile phone. In our proposal, a mobile phone with a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card is used as security token for user authentication on WEB services. This authentication method named SIM-based authentication provides a secure authentication because of robustness of the SIM card. However, currently, the use of SIM-based authentication is limited to mobile phone. The terminals without a SIM card cannot use this style. In
more » ... only the mobile operator can use this method because the shared key hidden in the card is not open to service providers. In order to overcome this limitation, we realize pairing between mobile phone and terminals, which do not have SIM cards and the SIM-based authentication method can be applied to the terminals. In addition, the single sign on (SSO) technique is also applied in order to provide SIM-based authentication for service providers.