Pola Strategi Investasi Investor Individu Saham Menurut Generasi X, Y, Dan Z

Elizabeth Lucky Maretha Sitinjak
2019 Jurnal Pasar Modal dan Bisnis  
Purpose- The purpose of this study, showing the pattern of stock investment strategy in accordance with the type of generation in order to manage the portfolio optimally. Methods- This research method using Anova with data obtained from Meta Data Analysis subjects of previous research experiments. Finding- The results show, each generation has a pattern of different stock investment strategies. This can be seen from the level of investor risk, and stock portfolio. The combination of stock
more » ... lios tends to consist of private companies located in 10 sectors, private companies-BUMN, or private companies-BUMD. Generation X's investment strategy pattern tends to use the Momentum Strategy, Generation Y tends to use Top-Down Strategy, while Generation Z tends to use Buy-Hold and Momentum Strategies.
doi:10.37194/jpmb.v1i1.10 fatcat:f2j6kuzmbna47l3wsg3rizpic4