Ideas Of Motherhood Depending On Structure Of Students' Valuable Orientations

Svetlana Vasil'evna Merzlyakova
2020 unpublished
The relevance of the research is determined by the need to create a system of measures for educating a value-positive attitude towards motherhood, the development of parental attitudes and motivation for parenthood, the acceptance of a maternal role at the stage of entering adulthood and the lack of knowledge of individual psychological factors in the formation of ideas about motherhood as a component of the phenomenon of parenthood among student's youth. The authors theoretically justified and
more » ... empirically confirmed the position that the structure of valuable orientations determines the features of ideas about motherhood among young men and women. It is established that the structure of valuable orientations, age and gender determine the content and hierarchical structure of the characteristics of the cognitive image of motherhood ("Ideal mother", "I am a future mother") among modern students. Basically, the image "Ideal mother" is limited to a set of individual personal qualities characterized by fragmentation in some cases inconsistency and cognitive distortions. If at adolescence young men and women who have the same structure of valuable orientations, ideas about motherhood are mostly the same then differences begin to appear in early adulthood which can later cause marital conflicts in the parental and educational sphere. The obtained results actualize the importance and necessity of psychological and pedagogical support of the process of family self-determination and premarital education of students in the educational environment of the university.
doi:10.15405/epes.20121.14 fatcat:xlfy6i3revelbnlikn6ilghwwe