PTU-036 Screening of type II diabetic patients for liver fibrosis with fibroscan in primary care

Wilson Siu, Megan Stephen, Stuart Shand, Pauline Dundas, Ashis Mukhopadhya
2019 Posters   unpublished
Biochemical failure was documented in 13 patients who had an ALP of greater than 1.67 times the ULN at the end of 1 year of therapy with UDCA (13.5%). Of these 13 patients, 4 were found to be on suboptimal dosage of UDCA (<10 mg/ kg/day), leading to a true non-response rate in 9/96 subjects (9.4%). Conclusions A substantial proportion of PBC patients were found to be biochemically unresponsive to UDCA. Shifting these patients to OCA would lead to significant drug expenditure for NHS Grampian.
more » ... intermediary step of shifting non-responsive patients to the cheaper drug, Bezafibrate, may prove to be cost-effective, but this drug has been revealed to have no benefit in a recent Cochrane review 2 .
doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2019-bsgabstracts.245 fatcat:b4dk543snzavpjbzojvkbncpoa