Physico-Chemical, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Wheat Flour Biscuits Supplemented with Different Levels of Whey Protein Concentrate

Hiba Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed, Syed Amir Ashraf, Amir Mahgoub Awadelkareem, Jahoor Alam, Abdelmoniem Ibrahim Mustafa
2019 Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal  
The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional, non-nutritional as well as physico-chemical characteristics of biscuits developed from the supplementation of wheat flour with different levels of whey protein concentrate (WPC). The biscuits were prepared by using composite blends of wheat flour (WF) and WPC in different combination such as 100:0 (WF), 95:5 (WWP 5%), 90:10 (WWP 10%) and 85:15 (WWP 15). Proximate analysis of control as well as treated sample showed significant rise in
more » ... crude protein content, with increase in WPC supplementation. Moreover, Non-nutritional factor such as tannin content and polyphenols was found to be highest in WF sample followed by WWP (5%), WWP (10%) and WWP (15%). In addition to that, in-vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) was found to be highest in WPC and when IVPD was compared with the crude protein, a significant difference was observed. Additionally, with the increase in WPC ratio the concentration of lysine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid was improved. Moreover mineral analysis revealed that, WF had highest amount of iron 0.66 mg/100g followed by WWP (5%), WWP (10%), WWP (15%) and WPC. Moreover, spread ratio of cookies found to be significant with the increase in the levels of WPC. Sensory evaluation of the samples revealed that, WWP (15%) had highest acceptance rating followed by WWP (10%). Based upon our investigation, we found that WPC could be a good source of supplementation for the development of protein enriched biscuits to combat the problem of malnutrition.
doi:10.12944/crnfsj.7.3.15 fatcat:gj7vo2t3b5alxmvjobty3zgxkm