The Optimization of Satellite Landing Site based on Particle Swarm Optimization

Zhen Du, Yuanbiao Zhang, Bo Liu, Zhili Liang
2014 Applied Physics Research  
Hazard avoidance is one of the key stages in the satellite's soft landing process, during which the selection of the landing site would have a huge influence on the satellite safe landing. In this paper, a new design method is presented for determining the landing site selection using Particle Swarm Optimization based on the Moon's grounds image taken by moon satellite. Applying this method, the problem of hazard avoidance can be converted into the optimization of the value of "obstacle
more » ... " after processing the image employing the median filter algorithm. In order to discuss and to compare the efficiency of the different optimization methods, three algorithms including Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm and Global Search Algorithm are tested to solve this problem. The results show that Particle Swarm Optimization has the more satisfactory optimization results and the quickest optimization speed in the landing site selection. The detailed comparisons are introduced in the body paragraph.
doi:10.5539/apr.v7n1p12 fatcat:zrk5hpyc45hidc3pawgyc3o3ae