Optimised textured surfaces with application in piston ring/cylinder liner contact [chapter]

R. Rahmani, A. Shirvani, H. Shirvani
2010 Tribology and Dynamics of Engine and Powertrain  
The application of textured surfaces in tribology has recently gained a huge momentum. In this chapter, a systematic approach to investigate the maximum outcomes from employing such surfaces is introduced with an insight into their application in internal combustion engines. A combination of various affecting parameters on the tribological performance of such surfaces is studied and the optimum results were introduced. The effect of employing such optimised textures in enhancing the lubrication
more » ... condition in piston ring/cylinder liner contact is also studied. In: Tribology and Dynamics of Engine and Powertrain: Fundamentals, Applications and Future Trends, Edited by H. Rahnejat, Woodhead Publishing, 2010, pp. 470-517, ISBN: 978-1-84569-993-2 In: Tribology and Dynamics of Engine and Powertrain: Fundamentals, Applications and Future Trends, Edited by H. Rahnejat, Woodhead Publishing, 2010, pp. 470-517, ISBN: 978-1-84569-993-2 asperity to the flat area) and orientation can all influence the tribological effectiveness of a sliding surface. Depending on the requirements for a specific application, the depth of these dimples can range from a few to several micrometres (normally 4-10µm) and their diameter can be several tens of micrometres (normally 70-100µm) 2004b) .
doi:10.1533/9781845699932.2.470 fatcat:juw5xyryjjdcxidyf2wbz5syce