Vegetative Maintenance Of Activity In Changed Living Conditions Of Over-50 Population

G. A. Sevriukova
2020 unpublished
The article presents the results of evaluating the vegetative support of activity of people over 50 years old. The study involved 210 people. Assessment of the vegetative support of the activity was carried out under conditions of a simulated change in body position. It was found that in 34.7% of cases in people aged 50-55 years an excessive autonomic reaction was observed against the background of a predominance of activity of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system and the
more » ... ion" of the central regulation loop, which indicates an increase in the "price" of physiological adaptation, uneconomical expenditure of functional resources organism. The pronounced predominance of the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system in 24.5% of cases in the group of people 56-59 years old, in 30.3% of cases in the group of people over 60 years of age reflects the state of fatigue, dysfunction of the sinus node of the heart, rhythm and conduction disturbances. A prolonged, chronic manifestation of reactions associated with violations in the activity of governing and regulatory mechanisms predetermines the depletion of functional human life support systems, an increase in the rate and rate of aging of the body.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.03.185 fatcat:hwwjlhrfqbfipl67efozr6l2gq