Trust-development in Danish and Norwegian Integration Programmes

Tone Larsen
2010 Journal of Comparative Social Work  
In this article the aim has been to challenge 'integration' as a concept and to explore integration practices in Denmark and Norway. The purpose is to analyse how trust can develop within integration practice. The article is based on a comparison between theories about inclusion/exclusion, assimilation, integration and trust/distrust, and between the Danish and Norwegian integration practices. These two countries provide an introduction programme, which has been developed as a means to
more » ... immigrants into the labour market and society. In accordance with these programmes language training, social studies and work practice are provided for mainly non-Western immigrants. However, the comparison between Denmark and Norway shows that the introduction programmes are both similar and different, and in this article the discussion focuses on how these two practices in many ways can be more than simply integrating.
doi:10.31265/jcsw.v5i2.65 fatcat:del2reaglbh67jub2ldggxwxsq