Research on Adaptive Neural Network Control System Based on Nonlinear U-Model with Time-Varying Delay

Fengxia Xu, Yao Cheng, Hongliang Ren, Shili Wang
2014 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
U-model can approximate a large class of smooth nonlinear time-varying delay system to any accuracy by using time-varying delay parameters polynomial. This paper proposes a new approach, namely, U-model approach, to solving the problems of analysis and synthesis for nonlinear systems. Based on the idea of discrete-time U-model with time-varying delay, the identification algorithm of adaptive neural network is given for the nonlinear model. Then, the controller is designed by using the
more » ... hson formula and the stability analysis is given for the closed-loop nonlinear systems. Finally, illustrative examples are given to show the validity and applicability of the obtained results.
doi:10.1155/2014/420713 fatcat:3aymy4rvkzdvdiww3kccb2ek4a