Slip estimation for small-scale robotic tracked vehicles

T M Dar, R G Longoria
2010 Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference  
A method is presented for using an extended Kalman filter with state noise compensation to estimate the trajectory, orientation, and slip variables for a small-scale robotic tracked vehicle. The principal goal of the method is to enable terrain property estimation. The methodology requires kinematic and dynamic models for skid-steering, as well as tractive force models parameterized by key soil parameters. Simulation studies initially used to verify the model basis are described, and results
more » ... sented from application of the estimation method to both simulated and experimental study of a 60-kg robotic tracked vehicle. Preliminary results show the method can effectively estimate vehicle trajectory relying only on the model-based estimation and onboard sensor information. Estimates of slip on the left and right track as well as slip angle are essential for ongoing work in vehicle-based soil parameter estimation. The favorable comparison against motion capture data suggests this approach will be useful for laboratory and field-based application.
doi:10.1109/acc.2010.5531638 fatcat:tjhl3e2kxrbbtbnxdw2fhzbw5a