Process Evaluation of the Integrated Childsmile Programme. Report of the fifth tranche of fieldwork (August 2014 to July 2015)

Jennifer Eaves, Nicola Williams, Leigh Deas, Orcid.Org/0000-0002-4531-5992, Orcid.Org/0000-0002-4065-7205
2017 Figshare  
This report provides findings from the fifth tranche of the process evaluation of the integrated Childsmile programme, covering the period August 2014 to July 2015.Childsmile is the national, early years oral health improvement in Scotland. It comprises interacting components (Core: toothbrushing in all nurseries and targeted primary schools, provision of oral health packs at key stages; Nursery & School: fluoride varnishing provided to children in targeted educational establishments; and
more » ... ce: support for families with young children to register with and attend dental practices and to engage in protecting their children's oral health).The purpose of the process evaluation is to explore implementation of the programme, to aid the interpretation of its outcomes.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5446933 fatcat:gzxlxvedxzeuvnm3ujktv226fe