Adaptive estimation of linear functionals by model selection

Béatrice Laurent, Carenne Ludeña, Clémentine Prieur
2008 Electronic Journal of Statistics  
We propose an estimation procedure for linear functionals based on Gaussian model selection techniques. We show that the procedure is adaptive, and we give a non asymptotic oracle inequality for the risk of the selected estimator with respect to the L_p loss. An application to the problem of estimating a signal or its r^th derivative at a given point is developed and minimax rates are proved to hold uniformly over Besov balls. We also apply our non asymptotic oracle inequality to the estimation
more » ... of the mean of the signal on an interval with length depending on the noise level. Simulations are included to illustrate the performances of the procedure for the estimation of a function at a given point. Our method provides a pointwise adaptive estimator.
doi:10.1214/07-ejs127 fatcat:nwxxfw2zofgyzjqxwywva3tcmm