Manufactured housing walls that provide satisfactory moisture performance in all climates [report]

Anton TenWolde
1995 unpublished
ABSTIUCT We used the MOIST Computer Model to conduct a detailed analysis of the moisture performance of one wall typical of ctumnt construction practice in manufactured housing, and two new alternative wall designs with potential for better moisture performance in a wider variety of climates. The analysis showed that the current-practice wall with an interior vapor retarder performed acceptably in a cold climate (hkiisoq WI), but poorly in a hot and humid climate (Miami, FL). The alternative
more » ... l designs both exhibited satisfktoxy moisture performance in the cold climate and the hot and humid climate, even with moderately severe indoor conditions. The alternative wall designs also performed satisfactorily in a mixed climate (Little RoclG AR). These alternative wall designs should be of interest to the manufm housing industry, who distributes houses to all climatic regions of the United States.
doi:10.6028/ fatcat:jpvfgb7qzfhlnf7qri6do7pp7y