Impact of information communication technology on reading proficiency of undergraduates in the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Helen U. Emasealu
2021 Journal of library services and technology  
The study adopted a correlational research design to assess the impact of information communication technology on undergraduate students' reading proficiency. The population of the study includes all 31,675 undergraduate students in University of Port Harcourt for both newly admitted and returning undergraduate students in the 2020/2021 academic session. 1500 respondents were sampled for the study. The instrument for data collection was two self-designed questionnaire entitled: "Utilization of
more » ... CT Scale" (UTIS) and "Reading Proficiency Scale" (RAPS). Out of the 1500, 1287 questionnaires were correctly filled and returned indicating 85.8% response rate. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean (x̄) and standard deviation (±), and simple regression. The findings showed high use of ICT tools, low reading proficiency and negative relationship between ICT tools and reading proficiency. It was concluded that the use of ICT among students is impacting negatively on their reading performance. Among others, it was recommended that there should be policy of ICT use in education across educational levels, and importantly, learning activities should accommodate learning ICT tools, as well as, providing learning materials in digital formats accessible to students.
doi:10.47524/jlst.v3i2.2 fatcat:smry2chbefhj7gl6bmuocupgdq