An interesting paper giving between 30 and 40 measurements, indices, eta, of each of 119 specimens (66 <? and 64 ?) and the treatment of the observations. The calculations of tiie TnfKi Ti TTM^f j j Ln average deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and coefficient of correlation are explained. The method of momenta is referred to, but the tath moment is given as KJ -2 «T, where «. is the deviation and u the number of cases. An explanation v * «-i of the measurements is given
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... various tables giving means eta follow. Formula are given for the calculation of skull from head measurements. Amongst other interesting points the author refers to the variation of the thickness of the skin with the age of the individual at various parts of the head. Cnkanowski does not appear to have read any of the very recent English statistical papers and he gives -67449 . as the probable error of r, while in some V«(l+r) of his correlations there is probably spurious correlation, eg. the table on p. 88 which gives the correlation between the cephalic indices of the head and skull measurements. Zur Frage der Correlational der MuskelvarieteUen, by JAN CZEKANOWSKL New York, 1906 (Boas Memorial Volume). Certain muscles are not always present, and this paper gives the frequency of the presence of thirteen muscles and the coefficients of correlation between the various muscles. The number of cases investigated is not large and the coefficients vary considerably. The subject would be well worth an extended investigation on the same lines. Statistics from Europe, United States, South Amnrira, Australia, etc. are used, and the points dealt with are the proportions of births among living and still-born, among legitimate and illegitimate; multiple births; effect of war on sex ratios; differences between ratios in town and country and influence of sanitary environment A valuable collection of statistics which would have been improved if an estimate of the probable errors had been given in each case. * Authors of mernoin who desire brief notices of their content* should forward offprints to thii Journal, ai it is often difficult to procure Journals in which the original* hmve been issued.